Milestone Sessions:  (Three months - 18 months) So much happens in the first year of your child's life. They achieve so many milestones; from tummy time to crawling; sitting up to standing and independently walking. All these moments are worthy of being captured. You'll be able to look back years from now at these documented milestones and be able to share them with your child(ren) recounting stories of these treasured moments and memories you have of them. Mommies are welcome to get into this session with their lil' one. I will often provide a collection of outfits from my prop closet to help create this session for your child.

Children's Portrait Session: Time doesn't stand still, from the time your child(ren) is/are born, they are constantly growing and changing. Nothing captures those moments better then a photo. Photos are priceless memorabilia. As time goes on they become all that we have of those times in our life which we can never get back. Each year mom can look back at the images of her child(ren) and see how much they have changed from the previous year — maybe even a new member of the family has arrived to add to the yearly tradition. Years from now siblings will even be able to look back on these times and be able to see the moments they shared with one another.

Session Information: Minimum 30 minutes. Multiple outfit changes. Option of outdoor or studio style session depends on weather. All sessions are done in and around the Hargrave/Virden, MB and surrounding area. Travel outside of my area may incur a travel fee. If you're unsure of wardrobe ideas — please, check out my What to Wear Session Guide. I also, have on hand some vintage style dresses for lil' girls that could possibly be used if you would wish to do so. Let me know your child’s size and I can send you images of what I have available. Feel free to bring any items with you that you would like to incorporate into your session. Send me an image of the item(s) ahead of time so I can plan ahead on how to incorporate the item(s) into your session.

If you have any questions regarding a milestone or children's portrait session please, feel free to fill out the form below and let me know any question(s) you may have. To view the online pricing guide please go to the Investment page.